Breast cancer seems to be the most common type of cancer in women with about one in every nine women getting this disease at some point in her lifetime. Even though breast cancer is known to affect mostly women it can also affect men. Breast Cancer is a disease in which cancerous cells are found in the breast tissues.These cancerous cells keep growing and then after a while can become a tumor. Breast cancer screening is a technique that has been used by people to try to stop Breast cancer from happening. In my opinion I think that people should use this technique. Breast cancer is killing a lot of the American women but not nearly as much men. In order to find out more about Breast cancer screening most people choose to go to their doctors and engage in deep conversation about Breast cancer. Here is a site that I have used to help myself further understand what exactly Breast cancer is and I think it would be able to do the same for you also. Visit this site to learn more on Breast cancer screening in particular.