Self-Portait : VoiceThread

Community Walk, Cities Of New York

Friday, April 30, 2010

Weekend Post: Storytelling and Poetry: The Baseball

What does the Baseball mean to me?

I think I have an exact idea

A baseball to me represents fun

Just throwing the baseball back and forth is fun

A baseball also represents agility and speed

A baseball is not just an ordinary object

It is a way to help me unwind from stress

A baseball represents youth and how I should enjoy mine
The Baseball sound bite

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wacky Web Tales: Storytelling

What Are Friends For?

Last night, as I sat in the living room eating cookies and watching Everybody Hates Chris, the telephone rang. When I picked it up, I heard a(n) hard breathing sound. It was my frantic friend Alex. He told me that he couldn't solve the 5 problems that Ms. Fischerhad assigned for homework. I'm pretty good in math, so it took me only 2 minutes to figure out the answers. “These problems are easy!” I told him. “Use your calculator.” “It's broken!” he said. “I think my little cousin stepped all over it.” “Then you'll just have to use your fingers!” I suggested eagerly. Oh My Gosh!! You're a big help! The next time I need advice, I'll call Jonathan,” he shouted. I don't know why Alex was so mad. Did he want me to give him the answers?

This is the wacky web tales tale that I created just by randomly placing in words that were asked of me in the program. I consider this site a very useful site to little children that want an idea for a short story but don't exactly know where to start because I am certain this program will inspire them to come up with something great.

Friday, April 16, 2010 Review: Poetry

The raven This online app. allows you to publish and discover documents on the internet. works like YouTube, but youcould browse and upload texts instead of videos. You could find and share documents in a Flash format thatbasically loads quickly and it would be easy to read. Searching through the site gets messy, but if you're into browsing and sharing quirky and current documents, Scribd has what you are pretty much looking for. Company reps claim that you'll find more information than on Wikipedia—about 5 billion words against 2 billion. I have used the app and I find it pretty useful to get some good information. A example of A scribed document that I have found would be the 3 page slide of " The Raven" written by Edgar Allen Poe in 1845

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Weekend Post: Storytelling and Poetry: The Rose

The rose is a deep expression of sentiments wrapped up

in a vessel that has been burned with the searing pain of a thousand suns

The rose is like the feeling of frolicing in a valley

The rose is as pretty as beauty itself.

The rose is like calmly relaxing on a warm summer day at the beach

The rose is obviously special

The rose is an eternity of broken hearts

The rose is love in the form of an object

The rose is numerous tigers growling and pouncing at their target

The rose is everything I ever worked for and my life story

The rose is me and now the rose is wilted.

The Rose sound bite

Friday, March 26, 2010


Imperialism is a topic that is discussed quite often in history. To some people imperialism seems fairs and is an excellent way to get a head start in the race to be the superpower of the world. To others imperialism is the exact opposite and is something that they would not dare use because everyone does not benefit from it. Being that imperialism is a topic that is so controversial , different people in different countries were raised to think differently about imperialism itself. In the United States, people in both political parties, in all regions, and all social classes can be found on either side of the debate.

With this in mind, imperialism has positive aspects and reasons to pursue the policy. One of the reasons for pursuing the policy of imperialism was that if a country has been involved with foreign nations recently they may want to show just how powerful they are and express that feeling through imperialism. In this case, a country might only do something like annex another smaller country. A second reason for pursuing the policy of imperialism as Howard Zinn stated “Maybe a war would take up some of the rebellious energy that people were pouring into strikes and protests.”In this case Imperialism would be a way to run away from the problems of a nation as a whole.

In the critical examination, imperialism has negative aspects and reasons not to pursue the policy. One of the reasons not to pursue imperialism was because as Howard Zinn stated “War was probably not a thought-out plan among most of the elite ruling classes.” This means that more than likely when people demand war they are not even thinking they are just acting irrational. In this case, war is the worst form of imperialism because the bulk of war is uncertainty, since usually no one thinks the process of war out. A second reason not to pursue imperialism was because it was an unnecessary way to handle conflicts. Peace treaties are a much better way of handling situations that people use imperialism for.

In the final analysis, Imperialism is a controversial topic. In US History different political parties and people can be found on different sides of the debate of imperialism. There are positive aspects of imperialism and negative aspects of imperialism and reasons why or why not to pursue the policy. The most common and worst form of imperialism is war. Wars between countries are a horrible form of imperialism because most of the time war is a topic thatis not thought through so irrational actions are taken and so are innocent lives.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weekend Post: Storytelling and Poetry: Limericks

A limerick is a poem that follows a specific pattern as follows.

Line 1 has a certain rhyme scheme scheme named A and is usually 9 syllables.

Line 2 the same rhyme scheme as 1, named A and is usually 9 syllables.

Line 3 has a different rhyme scheme named B and is usually 6 syllables.

Line 4 has the same rhyme scheme as 3 named B, and is usually 6 syllables.

Line 5 has the same rhyme Scheme as 1 & 2 named A and is usually 9 9 syllables.

Here is an example of a Limerick

There once was a man from Peru

Who dreamed he was eating his shoe

He woke up with a fright

In the middle of the night

And found that his dream had come true

-SpongeBob SquarePants

Limericks sound bite

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

MLK Project

On April 14, 1967 Martin Luther King delivered a speech at Stanford. In this speech Dr. King decided to talk about the Racism, The Civil Rights Movement and a topic that was probably heard for the first time by many people which would be the " Two Americas". One of the two Americas is the America that is inhabited by colored people of African descent in other words Black people. The second America is comprised of White Americans. In his description, Dr. King makes it sounds as if the White America is a complete paradise and Utopia while the Black America is a horrible place and it is a dystopia. These two Americas still exist today and one example of this would be racism which still exists to this very day.Dr. King also talks about National and International Problems that existed in 1967. An example of an National Problem that Dr. King talked about was racism and an example of international problems that Dr. King talked about was the war in Vietnam. In 2010, we are still experiencing some of the same problems as experienced in 1967 and proof of this is racism which is national and the war in Iraq which is international. I have recorded my feedback to Dr. King's speech while including portions of his speech in order to perform a critical analysis of specific topics related to his speech.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Definition, History and Use of a TASER

A taser is defined as an electroshock weapon that disperses electrical current to hinder a person's ability, to control his/her own bodily movements. Tasers are in fact, legal but can cause fatal injuries.Jack Cover, a NASA researcher began developing the Taser in 1969. By 1974, Cover had completed the device, which he named after his childhood hero Tom Swift. The history of Thomas Swift relating to the taser is that Thomas Swift was a cartoon character and in 1911 the author of the Thomas Swift books had wrote a perilous story in which Thomas had an electric rifle that emits bolts of electricity. That is what taser stands for " Thomas Swift And His Electric Rifle". Recently in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania a taser was used on a high school sophomore. A brief overview of the mishap is At Monesson High School, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a student was tasered by the police after a fight broke out. My opinion is that the police acted irrationally and that this situation could have been handled in a more civilized manner. This is a prime example of why I beleive that police should be taught how to behave in different situations with different circumstances. To find out more on this visit

Friday, February 26, 2010

Breast Cancer Screening ( Weekend Post )

Breast cancer seems to be the most common type of cancer in women with about one in every nine women getting this disease at some point in her lifetime. Even though breast cancer is known to affect mostly women it can also affect men. Breast Cancer is a disease in which cancerous cells are found in the breast tissues.These cancerous cells keep growing and then after a while can become a tumor. Breast cancer screening is a technique that has been used by people to try to stop Breast cancer from happening. In my opinion I think that people should use this technique. Breast cancer is killing a lot of the American women but not nearly as much men. In order to find out more about Breast cancer screening most people choose to go to their doctors and engage in deep conversation about Breast cancer. Here is a site that I have used to help myself further understand what exactly Breast cancer is and I think it would be able to do the same for you also. Visit this site to learn more on Breast cancer screening in particular.

Friday, February 19, 2010

(Weekend Post) Definition of Popuar Culture

Popular culture (commonly known as pop culture) is the totality of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images and other phenomena that are deemed preferred per an informal consensus within the mainstream of a given culture, specifically Western culture of the early to mid 20th century and the emerging global mainstream of the late 20th to 21st century. .(CITED FROM WIKIPEDIA)

Popular culture in my opinion can be described as the most well renowned activities and interests of society in specific regions of an area. Popular culture can be sports such as basketball, movies such as "The Terminator" and books such as "Twilight". Popular culture to others may be different considering the fact that everyone has different personalities. Popular culture is not something that has been around since the 200s or even the 1900s but since the beginning of mankind although mankind might not have realized it and/or given it the same name. if you and your friend decide to play a game such as Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, then whether you know it or not that game system is a form of popular culture. Most people do not pay attention, have never heard of the term popular culture and when they do, they automatically think its just a United States thing.

An example of Popular Culture is the TV show Everybody Hates Chris. Everybody Hates Chris is the childhood story of famous actor and comedian Chris Rock. The story takes place in Bed-Stuy during the 1980's. Chris(played by Tyler James Williams) seems to get in trouble every episode by his younger brother Drew, his younger sister Tonya, or simply by being himself. The show even though in the 1980s has many various racist situations. The title "Everybody Hates Chris"is a parody of the the " Everybody Loves Raymond". To find out more information about The show " Everybody Hates Chris" you can visit here

Friday, February 12, 2010

( Weekend Post ) Public VS. Private Schools

Private schools are very good but at the same time very expensive. Private schools are very competitive with public schools. A question that comes up in conversation very often is whether or not private school is better than public school. The answer to this question varies from person to person simply because a person could say yes or no based on which type of schools they went to. If a high school graduate that went to public school and a high school graduate that went to public school end up at the same job performing the same exact task we wouldn't be able to really tell which is better now would we? In my opinion, there is no better between public school and private school because the pith or main point of both types of schools is education. Most people care about what schools you went to and whether or not it is the best or worst type of school. In reality, titles truly don't matter to me because you can go to Harvard University and someone that went to a much smaller Institution can be way smarter and if that happens what would you be proving? No matter what school you came from, it doesn't matter on the title, or if it was public or private, it depends on the work ethic of the person. If a lazy person attends a top-tier institution to further his/her education he has to be willing to work just because he attends a magnificent school doesn't change a thing about him. The only reason he/she would get high grades after going to a top-tier educational institution is because he/she has seen what happens when you are not focused and do not car and surely they wouldn't want a repeat so they fixed their act.Here is one person's personal opinion of this topic and to see what a person has to say about her child's transition from private to public school visit this site.

Private Schools: NYC ( Weekend Post)

Affording a Private School Education for your child in New York can be a full time pursuit in itself. Fees and tuition costs seem to rise even when in reality they don’t increase. The ever increasing costs of living, especially in a large city such as New York City,can squeeze your finances in ways that sometimes make Private School education costs seem overwhelming on your budget. The real cost and the real benefit of this type of education, however, is never fully realized in the now. For parents this quickly translates into the bad news: high tuition costs and sometimes an exhausting work calendar of parent-sponsored fundraisers. According to the National Association of Independent Schools, the median tuition for their member private day schools in 2008-2009 in the United States was $17,441. Tuition for boarding schools was close to $37,017. (Of the 28,384 private schools in the United States, about 1,050 are affiliated with the NAIS. Average tuition for nonmember schools is substantially less: Day schools charge $10,841 and boarding schools $23,448.) It is the investment in your child’s education that makes such a huge difference in their lives down the road, or the path of life your child chooses. It may seem pithy, but an investment in education truly is an investment in the future. If you hold back now, it is your child’s future that pays that particular cost later on.Ways in which you can pay for private schools can be found here

Monday, February 8, 2010

How Technology has Evolved Over Time

This Timeline goes in depth to show you the mere beginning of Technology all the way to the great inventions of the New Millenium. The starting was in 1937 Atanasoff-Berry-Computer, which was a great year condiering the vast amount of actions going on during this year. The timeline shows you more from much years and the latest is 2008, which if you read you will find to be very interesting especially if you are not the technological person. The years 1990-1999 were excellent but the great is in fact 2001-2008. The recent years have the most updated technology and many kids and adults have become somewhat addicted to these new games and computer programs and what have you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Marijuana- Informing The Public

The Marijuana originated from Central Asia from the cannabis plant. Cannabis sativa

was originally used for the fiber found in the plant’s stem called hemp, which made

rope clothes and other items. Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of

dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the hemp plant. Marijuana has

over 200 slang names which include pot, herb, weed, grass, boom, Mary Jane,

gangster, or chronic. Most marijuana grown in the United States since the late 1980s

is hybrids of the Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis indica which yield a much more potent

product than the marijuana of the past. Cannabis sativa is mostly found in warm

climates while Cannabis indica is found in colder climates. So the hybrid allows for

marijuana to be grown in just about any climate in the United States and other parts

of the world.

Geography and Travel

Did you know that the world is actually a very fascinating place? I know you must think it isn't all that great as I am am making it

out to be but trust me I guarantee that it is. Do you have a place that you have always wanted to go? Well, I do. I would like to go

to Europe. I say this because I have seen the United States and enjoy living in it, but i must see how life in Europe differs from life

in America. I want to see the way the streets are made, and the way the streets are made. I want to see how the agriculture looks

in Europe. I believe that it is very different from how America's agriculture is. I never got to see too much considering that I grew

up in Brooklyn, New york. The main point of why I want to go to Europe is to see how similar and how different parts of the world
