A taser is defined as an electroshock weapon that disperses electrical current to hinder a person's ability, to control his/her own bodily movements. Tasers are in fact, legal but can cause fatal injuries.Jack Cover, a NASA researcher began developing the Taser in 1969. By 1974, Cover had completed the device, which he named after his childhood hero Tom Swift. The history of Thomas Swift relating to the taser is that Thomas Swift was a cartoon character and in 1911 the author of the Thomas Swift books had wrote a perilous story in which Thomas had an electric rifle that emits bolts of electricity. That is what taser stands for " Thomas Swift And His Electric Rifle". Recently in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania a taser was used on a high school sophomore. A brief overview of the mishap is At Monesson High School, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a student was tasered by the police after a fight broke out. My opinion is that the police acted irrationally and that this situation could have been handled in a more civilized manner. This is a prime example of why I beleive that police should be taught how to behave in different situations with different circumstances. To find out more on this visit

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