A limerick is a poem that follows a specific pattern as follows.
Line 1 has a certain rhyme scheme scheme named A and is usually 9 syllables.
Line 2 the same rhyme scheme as 1, named A and is usually 9 syllables.
Line 3 has a different rhyme scheme named B and is usually 6 syllables.
Line 4 has the same rhyme scheme as 3 named B, and is usually 6 syllables.
Line 5 has the same rhyme Scheme as 1 & 2 named A and is usually 9 9 syllables.
Here is an example of a Limerick
There once was a man from Peru
Who dreamed he was eating his shoe
He woke up with a fright
In the middle of the night
And found that his dream had come true
-SpongeBob SquarePants
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